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ICRC Resources

ICRC Documents

  • Project readiness – Due diligence and feasibility studies – Download PDF
  • Creating A Framework For PPP Programs, A Practical Guide For Decision Makers – Download PDF
  • Bankability, More Than De-Risking Projects –  Download PDF
  • PPP Policy and Practice, a reference guide – Download PDF
  • Establishing Public Private Partnerships. – Download PDF
  • PPP guide for decision makers – Download PDF
  • Disclosure Diagnostic Report for Nigeria – Download PDF
  • Economic Recovery and Growth Plan – Download PDF
  • Concession for infrastructure: A guide to their design and award (WB Document) – Download PDF 
  • National Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan – Download PDF
  • Circular from SGF on the involvement of ICRC by MDAs prior to commencing PPP projects – Download PDF
  • Introductory note to Disclosure of Project and Contract Information in Public-Private Partnerships – Download PDF
  • SERVICOM Charter – Download PDF
  • Legal and Regulatory Framework for PPPs – Download PDF
  • Overview of DFID Nigeria’s support through NIAF and PPP lessons learnt –Download PDF
  • PPP contract Management – Download PDF
  • PPP project development support by AfDB – Download PDF
  • Risks Management – Download PDF
  • Role of PPP units in MDAs – Download PDF
  • The Role of Transaction Advisers in a PPP Project – Download PDF
  • Value for Money and Public Sector Comparator – Download PDF
  • Review Development and Stabdardisation of Public Private Partnerships (PPPS) Contract Agreements, Bidding Documents and Procurement Manual -- Download PDF
  • / Development of Public Private Partnership (PPP) Investment Catalogue and Development of Sector-Focused Roadmap. -- Download PDF